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2. Vacation Provisions

Vacation Request form

Each employee gets a Vacation Request form. This form records available and used vacation days and is signed by both parties. The Vacation Request form is part of the personnel file.

Vacation request

To apply for vacation, the following steps are necessary:

  • Get a Vacation Request form from staff management and fill it out.
  • At least two weeks before the planned vacation, send a request by e-mail (including the vacation request form) to the team leader and to staff management.
  • Management checks if the vacation request can be approved based on staffing and organizational requirements.
  • In case of approval, management confirms the vacacation in the Vacation Request form and the form is signed by both employee and leadership.
  • The vacation is entered in the company calendar.

Vacation entitlement

  • In general, a vacation request must be approved unless one of the following situations applies:
    • Order situation / utilization: The presence of an employee is indispensable for a project because of the employee's professional qualifications.
    • Personnel coverage: At the desired time, too many employees are already on vacation.
    • Scatter: Vacation should be taken in blocks of at least one week. If an employee has too many single days, the approval of another single day of leave may be denied.
    • Holiday should be taken in the current year. Remaining leave is to be used by March 31 of the following year.
    • Vacation blackout period: Because the generally good order situation at the end of the year, a vacation blackout period is possible in the last quarter of the year. Management will communicate this by the end of June at the latest.

Christmas provisions

  • Depending on how the holidays fall between Christmas and New Year, business holidays can be determined.
  • On Dec 24 and and Dec 31. are state holidays, beginning at noon. The mornings are given to the employees as an additional day off.
  • The workdays in between are all forced leave and will be deducted as regular vacation days.
