User group rights

The following is a list of user groups defined on this wiki, with their associated access rights. There may be additional information about individual rights.


  • Granted right
  • Revoked right
  • Access the review interface (workflowview)
  • Access the special page Special:Bookshelf (bookshelf-viewspecialpage)
  • Access the special page Special:BookshelfBookManager (bookshelfbookmanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceAbout (bluespiceabout-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:UserDashboard (dashboards-viewspecialpage-userdashboard)
  • Appear in the list of assignable users (pageassignable)
  • Automatically log in with an external user account (autocreateaccount)
  • Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
  • Edit your own preferences (editmyoptions)
  • Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (editmyprivateinfo)
  • Edit your own user CSS files (editmyusercss)
  • Edit your own user JSON files (editmyuserjson)
  • Edit your own user JavaScript files (editmyuserjs)
  • Edit your own watchlist. Note some actions will still add pages even without this right. (editmywatchlist)
  • Export a page to PDF (uemodulepdf-export)
  • Export a page to PDF as part of a book (uemodulebookpdf-export)
  • Export a page, including all linked pages, to PDF (uemodulepdfrecursive-export)
  • Export a page, including all sub pages, to PDF (uemodulepdfsubpages-export)
  • Read pages (read)
  • Read ratings on pages (rating-read)
  • Search for external files (extendedsearch-search-externalfile)
  • Search for files (extendedsearch-search-repofile)
  • Search for pages (extendedsearch-search-wikipage)
  • Search for special pages (extendedsearch-search-specialpage)
  • Use of the write API (writeapi)
  • View pages which are protected with the "Rating-Viewspecialpage" right (rating-viewspecialpage)
  • View the special page "Profiles" (socialprofile-viewspecialpage)
  • View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • View your own watchlist (viewmywatchlist)
Autoconfirmed users
Autochecked users
(list of members)
(list of members)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceAbout (bluespiceabout-viewspecialpage)
  • Auto-review on rollback (autoreviewrestore)
  • Be treated as an automated process (bot)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Edit your own preferences (editmyoptions)
  • Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (editmyprivateinfo)
  • Edit your own user CSS files (editmyusercss)
  • Edit your own user JSON files (editmyuserjson)
  • Edit your own user JavaScript files (editmyuserjs)
  • Edit your own watchlist. Note some actions will still add pages even without this right. (editmywatchlist)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as "checked" (autoreview)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
  • Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
  • Import pages from other wikis (import)
  • Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
  • Modify the values of checklist items without editing the wiki page (checklistmodify)
  • Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
  • Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
  • Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt (nominornewtalk)
  • Search for external files (extendedsearch-search-externalfile)
  • Search for files (extendedsearch-search-repofile)
  • Search for pages (extendedsearch-search-wikipage)
  • Search for special pages (extendedsearch-search-specialpage)
  • Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
  • Use of the write API (writeapi)
  • View the special page "Profiles" (socialprofile-viewspecialpage)
  • View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • View your own watchlist (viewmywatchlist)
(list of members)
  • Access to the Special:UserManager special page (usermanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceAbout (bluespiceabout-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:GroupManager (groupmanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:UserDashboard (dashboards-viewspecialpage-userdashboard)
  • Block a user from sending email (blockemail)
  • Block a username, hiding it from the public (hideuser)
  • Block other users from editing (block)
  • Change user passwords with the manager on the Special:UserManager special page (usermanager-editpassword)
  • Create new user accounts (createaccount)
  • Edit all user rights (userrights)
  • Edit other users' CSS files (editusercss)
  • Edit other users' JSON files (edituserjson)
  • Edit other users' JavaScript files (edituserjs)
  • Edit your own preferences (editmyoptions)
  • Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (editmyprivateinfo)
  • Edit your own user CSS files (editmyusercss)
  • Edit your own user JSON files (editmyuserjson)
  • Edit your own user JavaScript files (editmyuserjs)
  • Edit your own watchlist. Note some actions will still add pages even without this right. (editmywatchlist)
  • Execute Privacy administrative action (bs-privacy-admin)
  • Merge users (usermerge)
  • Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
  • Rename users (renameuser)
  • Search for external files (extendedsearch-search-externalfile)
  • Search for files (extendedsearch-search-repofile)
  • Search for pages (extendedsearch-search-wikipage)
  • Search for special pages (extendedsearch-search-specialpage)
  • Unblock oneself (unblockself)
  • Use of the write API (writeapi)
  • View the special page "Profiles" (socialprofile-viewspecialpage)
  • View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • View your own watchlist (viewmywatchlist)
  • passwordreset (passwordreset)
(list of members)
(list of members)
Administrators (Semantic MediaWiki)
(list of members)
  • Access administration tasks (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-admin)
Curators (Semantic MediaWiki)
(list of members)
  • Edit access for Is edit protected annotated pages (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-pageedit)
  • Edit access to maintain allowed regular expressions and patterns (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-patternedit)
  • smw-schemaedit (smw-schemaedit)
(list of members)
  • Access administration tasks (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-admin)
  • Access the review interface (workflowview)
  • Access to re-run the update process, that collects all the tracked data on the Special:UsageTracker special page. (usagetracker-update)
  • Access to the Special:PageTemplatesAdmin special page, where page templates can be managed (pagetemplatesadmin-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the Special:PermissionManager special page (permissionmanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the Special:UserManager special page (usermanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceAbout (bluespiceabout-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceConfigManager (bluespiceconfigmanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceCategoryManager (categorymanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:GroupManager (groupmanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:InterWikiLinks (interwikilinks-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:NamespaceManager (namespacemanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:PageAccess (pageaccess-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:UserDashboard (dashboards-viewspecialpage-userdashboard)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Appear in the list of assignable users (pageassignable)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Auto-review on rollback (autoreviewrestore)
  • Be granted all permissions from the role "editor" for protected pages in editor restriction when the role system is activated (editor)
  • Be treated as an automated process (bot)
  • Block a user from sending email (blockemail)
  • Block a username, hiding it from the public (hideuser)
  • Block other users from editing (block)
  • Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
  • Change protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages (protect)
  • Change user passwords with the manager on the Special:UserManager special page (usermanager-editpassword)
  • Comment on blogs (social-blog-comment)
  • Comment on microblogs (social-microblog-comment)
  • Comment on topics (social-topics-comment)
  • Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
  • Create and (de)activate tags (managechangetags)
  • Create and edit widgets in the Widget namespace (editwidgets)
  • Create and edit attachments (social-stash)
  • Create and edit blogs (social-blog)
  • Create and edit microblogs (social-microblog)
  • Create and edit review (workflowedit)
  • Create and edit topics (social-topics)
  • Create discussion pages (createtalk)
  • Create new "classes" of pages (createclass)
  • Create new user accounts (createaccount)
  • Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
  • Delete tags from the database (deletechangetags)
  • Delete and undelete specific log entries (deletelogentry)
  • Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
  • Delete others entries (social-deleteothers)
  • Delete pages (delete)
  • Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
  • Delete reviews (workflow-delete)
  • Duplicate pages (duplicate)
  • Edit all user rights (userrights)
  • Edit gadget JavaScript and CSS pages (gadgets-edit)
  • Edit gadget definitions (gadgets-definition-edit)
  • Edit linked pages (social-tagging)
  • Edit other users profile (social-editothersprofile)
  • Edit other users' CSS files (editusercss)
  • Edit other users' JSON files (edituserjson)
  • Edit other users' JavaScript files (edituserjs)
  • Edit others entries (social-editothers)
  • Edit others reminders (remindereditall)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators" (editprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" (editsemiprotected)
  • Edit restricted form fields (editrestrictedfields)
  • Edit the assignments of a page (pageassignments)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Edit the user interface (editinterface)
  • Edit your own preferences (editmyoptions)
  • Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (editmyprivateinfo)
  • Edit your own user CSS files (editmyusercss)
  • Edit your own user JSON files (editmyuserjson)
  • Edit your own user JavaScript files (editmyuserjs)
  • Edit your own watchlist. Note some actions will still add pages even without this right. (editmywatchlist)
  • Execute Privacy administrative action (bs-privacy-admin)
  • Expire pages (expirearticle)
  • Export pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5 (override-export-depth)
  • Geocode (geocode)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as "checked" (autoreview)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
  • Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
  • Import pages from other wikis (import)
  • Make string replacements on the entire wiki (replacetext)
  • Mark edits as minor (minoredit)
  • Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
  • Mark revisions as being "checked" (review)
  • Mark revisions as being "quality" (validate)
  • Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)
  • Merge the history of pages (mergehistory)
  • Merge users (usermerge)
  • Modify the values of checklist items without editing the wiki page (checklistmodify)
  • Move category pages (move-categorypages)
  • Move files (movefile)
  • Move pages (move)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
  • Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
  • Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
  • Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
  • Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
  • Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt (nominornewtalk)
  • Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
  • Overwrite existing files (reupload)
  • Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation (purge)
  • Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
  • Read ratings on pages (rating-read)
  • Remind users that they have to confirm to have read the page (readconfirmationremind)
  • Remove expiration from pages (expiry-delete)
  • Remove votes from pages (rating-archive)
  • Rename users (renameuser)
  • Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
  • Search for external files (extendedsearch-search-externalfile)
  • Search for files (extendedsearch-search-repofile)
  • Search for pages (extendedsearch-search-wikipage)
  • Search for special pages (extendedsearch-search-specialpage)
  • Send email to other users (sendemail)
  • Unblock oneself (unblockself)
  • Undelete a page (undelete)
  • Upload files (upload)
  • Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
  • Use of the write API (writeapi)
  • Use potential dangerous administrative tasks such managing users, permissions, global configuration (BlueSpice extensions) (wikiadmin)
  • View "Edit" tab for pages editable by form (viewedittab)
  • View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
  • View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
  • View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
  • View pages which are protected with the "Rating-Viewspecialpage" right (rating-viewspecialpage)
  • View readers of a page (viewreaders)
  • View recent changes patrol marks (patrolmarks)
  • View the list of unreviewed pages (unreviewedpages)
  • View the list of reviews (workflowlist)
  • View the source page (social-source)
  • View the special page "Profiles" (socialprofile-viewspecialpage)
  • View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • View your own watchlist (viewmywatchlist)
  • Vote on pages (rating-write)
  • dpl_param_delete_rules (dpl_param_delete_rules)
  • dpl_param_update_rules (dpl_param_update_rules)
  • generatepages (generatepages)
  • passwordreset (passwordreset)
  • workflow-delete-others (workflow-delete-others)
  • workflow-edit-others (workflow-edit-others)
  • Add groups: Editors and Autochecked users
  • Remove groups: Editors and Autochecked users
(list of members)
  • Access the review interface (workflowview)
  • Access the special page Special:Bookshelf (bookshelf-viewspecialpage)
  • Access the special page Special:BookshelfBookManager (bookshelfbookmanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceAbout (bluespiceabout-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:BlueSpiceCategoryManager (categorymanager-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:InterWikiLinks (interwikilinks-viewspecialpage)
  • Access to the special page Special:UserDashboard (dashboards-viewspecialpage-userdashboard)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Appear in the list of assignable users (pageassignable)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Be granted all permissions from the role "editor" for protected pages in editor restriction when the role system is activated (editor)
  • Change protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages (protect)
  • Change the resolve status of entries (social-resolve)
  • Comment on blogs (social-blog-comment)
  • Comment on microblogs (social-microblog-comment)
  • Comment on topics (social-topics-comment)
  • Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed (stablesettings)
  • Create and edit attachments (social-stash)
  • Create and edit blogs (social-blog)
  • Create and edit microblogs (social-microblog)
  • Create and edit review (workflowedit)
  • Create and edit topics (social-topics)
  • Create discussion pages (createtalk)
  • Create new "classes" of pages (createclass)
  • Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
  • Delete tags from the database (deletechangetags)
  • Delete pages (delete)
  • Delete reviews (workflow-delete)
  • Duplicate pages (duplicate)
  • Edit linked pages (social-tagging)
  • Edit pages (edit)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" (editsemiprotected)
  • Edit restricted form fields (editrestrictedfields)
  • Edit your own preferences (editmyoptions)
  • Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (editmyprivateinfo)
  • Edit your own user CSS files (editmyusercss)
  • Edit your own user JSON files (editmyuserjson)
  • Edit your own user JavaScript files (editmyuserjs)
  • Edit your own watchlist. Note some actions will still add pages even without this right. (editmywatchlist)
  • Expire pages (expirearticle)
  • Export a page to PDF (uemodulepdf-export)
  • Export a page to PDF as part of a book (uemodulebookpdf-export)
  • Export a page, including all linked pages, to PDF (uemodulepdfrecursive-export)
  • Export a page, including all sub pages, to PDF (uemodulepdfsubpages-export)
  • Geocode (geocode)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
  • Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
  • Import pages from other wikis (import)
  • Mark edits as minor (minoredit)
  • Modify the values of checklist items without editing the wiki page (checklistmodify)
  • Move category pages (move-categorypages)
  • Move files (movefile)
  • Move pages (move)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
  • Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
  • Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
  • Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
  • Overwrite existing files (reupload)
  • Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation (purge)
  • Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
  • Read pages (read)
  • Read ratings on pages (rating-read)
  • Remove expiration from pages (expiry-delete)
  • Remove votes from pages (rating-archive)
  • Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
  • Search for external files (extendedsearch-search-externalfile)
  • Search for files (extendedsearch-search-repofile)
  • Search for pages (extendedsearch-search-wikipage)
  • Search for special pages (extendedsearch-search-specialpage)
  • Undelete a page (undelete)
  • Upload files (upload)
  • Use of the write API (writeapi)
  • View "Edit" tab for pages editable by form (viewedittab)
  • View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
  • View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
  • View pages which are protected with the "Rating-Viewspecialpage" right (rating-viewspecialpage)
  • View the list of unreviewed pages (unreviewedpages)
  • View the list of reviews (workflowlist)
  • View the special page "Profiles" (socialprofile-viewspecialpage)
  • View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) (viewmyprivateinfo)
  • View your own watchlist (viewmywatchlist)
  • Vote on pages (rating-write)
  • dpl_param_delete_rules (dpl_param_delete_rules)
  • dpl_param_update_rules (dpl_param_update_rules)
Widget editors
(list of members)

Namespace restrictions

NamespaceRight(s) allowing user to edit
  • Edit the user interface (editinterface)
  • Create and edit widgets in the Widget namespace (editwidgets)
  • Edit gadget JavaScript and CSS pages (gadgets-edit)
Gadget definition
  • Edit gadget definitions (gadgets-definition-edit)