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Testing BlueSpice Features

Revision as of 14:19, 21 October 2019 by Cosborne (talk | contribs)

Please visit the following demo pages for our BlueSpice features

Your topic What can I test?

Working with the high-end search engine ElasticSearch

  • Search in file attachments: Search e.g. for "Regensburg" or "Vacation"
  • Search in other Wikis: Search e.g. for "BlueSpice"

Find your way in the Wiki

Skin and mobile view

Working with all end devices

  • Change the window width of your browser
  • Access the wiki via a mobile device (smartphone or tablet)

Comment, discuss and blog

Content structure

Techniques for site-wide organization of content


The enhanced VisualEditor of Wikipedia

  • Try it on a this page: Sandbox
  • Discover funtions like Insert link, Insert Media, Insert Table, Display Title, Redirect, Find & Replace, Insert Magic
  • Insert template, e.g. template "hint"
Rich articles

Enhance pages with dynamic functions

Data and analysis

Find out more about the possibilities of semantics

Quality assurance

How to control the quality of an article:

Book functionality

Combining articles into books

Document management

Working with attached files in BlueSpice MediaWiki


Trace changes in the Wiki


Simplify the life of your administrators


User page, personal menu and settings

Multilingual wiki

Dealing with different languages


Contents beeyond the wiki

  • Single page exports via the right navigation bar
  • Book exports via book management
  • table export
  • Export of configuration information via the management pages

search in categories and namespaces

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