No categories assigned

Minutes Jour fixe Management

Revision as of 13:35, 26 April 2020 by Cosborne (talk | contribs) (Main focus)
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)

Absences, milestones, staff presence

Who What When Status

Main focus

Who What When Status


Company situation / KPIs / Reports

Department What Evaluation / Action
Product development
  • Tickets (check, planning, implementation/all)
    • Legacy Patch: XX/XX
    • Current Patch: XX/XX
    • Next minor: XX/XX
    • Next Major: XX/XX
  • Review queue (gerrit/gitlab): high|moderate|low/high|moderate|low
Project management
  • Billable time in support: xxh
  • Active customers this week:
  • Orders: XX
  • Offers: XX
  • Leads: XX
  • Planned invoice amount (Mon): EUR
  • Invoice amount (Fr): EUR
  • Invoice total from new orders: EUR


Finances and billing

Who What When Status

Marketing and Sales

Who What When Status

Projects, Service and Support

Who What When Status

Product development

Who What When Status

Technology and Infrastructure

Who What When Status

Internal organization

Who What When Status

