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Main Page

Important information: Data protection Daily deletion of demo contents

Your data is secure: All data of this demo system is used exclusively for the operation of the demo. If you send us data via contact forms, this data will be stored on our servers in the course of data backup. Your data will only be used to process your request, will be treated strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties. Read more in our privacy policy.
Please note that this demowiki is reset to its original state at 0 a.m. (UTC) daily. All contents of the testers will be deleted at this point. To extensively test BlueSpice in a closed environment, please request a test wiki (30 day evaluation).
BlueSpice pro is your enterprise wiki for building a modern knowledge base: Open source, customizable and globally proven. Try it out now! Please log in with the following access data:

Username: Testuser
Password: hallowelt

You've got questions?

Florian Müller

+49 (0)941 660 800


Experience BlueSpice pro in a live demo.

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Application tips, orientation and help.

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What would you like to use BlueSpice pro for?

Icon Managementsystem.png

Integrated Management System

Use BlueSpice to combine various management systems such as knowledge or quality management to a system of holistic corporate management.

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Icon Handbuch.png

Online / Organization Manual

Publish information on operational organization and business development in one central place. This keeps your employees up to date at all times.

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Icon Documentationsystem.png

Documentation System

Whether IT, project or technical documentation: Use BlueSpice to professionally document operational information and find it quickly if necessary.

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Icon Knowledg Base.png

Flexible Knowledge Base

From helpdesk to public relations: With BlueSpice you realize knowledge and information based offers of all kinds for employees, customers and partners.

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